Product Description
Nvis 35D Nvisduino based ZigBee Development Platform is a full featured development platform for ATmega328P microcontroller. This platform is a convenient way to teach the principles of the Arduino, Xbee & the family of AVR microcontrollers through programming and interfacing on the ATmega328P device.
The Nvisduino is intended for wireless applications. The user can upload codes with an USB cable, or by using a modified USB-to-XBee adaptor such as Nvisduino Tx (base) the user can upload program through wireless using Xbee S1. It is an ideal platform to implement and test the designs both for the beginners and the experts. Using this platform a range of projects in various domains like wireless communication, robotics, consumer electronics, etc can be done.
Nvis 35D, Nvisduino based ZigBee Development Platform is an ideal platform to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.